gridXdays 2022
Rewatch all sessions from gridXdays 2022 - hear from experts about the energy crisis, renewables integration, e-mobility and more.
How to keep energy systems cyber secure
With ever more devices connected to the grid the risk and impact of cyberattacks is growing. But there are ways to keep them secure and ensure resilience.
Die Energiepläne der Ampel
Germanys new government has ambitious plans. What do they entail for the energy sector?
HEMS in Europe
Learn about the development of the HEMS market in the UK and Germany
Operating a Smart District
Learn about the setup of the energy management system in the city of Bedburg and what savings we are expecting to achieve.
Energy communities
Learn about the economic incentives, legal frameworks and technical solutions that are needed to make energy communities a reality.
Sector Coupling
To reach climate goals transport and heating will have to be intertwined with electricity. Learn about the challenges and implications of this transformation.
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G): From buzzword to business case
Learn about the challenges, technologies and real-life applications of V2G
The Energy API
We are onboarding the first users to our API for Distributed Energy Resources. In the webinar our engineer Emeline explains the features of the API.
Dynamic Electricity Tariffs
Time-of-Use tariffs have risen to popularity in recent years. As technological advances increase the savings potential as well as the comfort of shifting loads.
Developing on XENON
In a talk with our Chief Growth Officer Tim, Alexander from E.ON gave insights into how they have built their dynamic load management 2.0 solution on top of XENON and what advantages our platform provided them.
Here comes the sun
85% of charging processes take place at home or at work. The long parking durations and comparatively low charging volumes are ideal conditions for solar charging. This does not only make e-mobility more sustainable but also reduces costs. Learn more about solar charging and how to implement it in our webinar.
Build lasting customer relationships with new digital products
Every year 1 in 10 households switches their energy provider as utilities fail to build customer loyalty. Digital products provide utilities a new touchpoint with their customers to build strong and lasting relationships. Learn about how you can offer your own digital products and drive loyalty with gridX in no time.
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